Thursday, March 26, 2009

Your Money Bus in Portland, OR

Thank you to NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor David Morganstern for his appearance on KATU (Channel 2) in Portland to help promote the Your Money Bus stop in Portland on March 26th!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Photos From The San Jose Stop on March 23rd

Hi Everyone. These photos are from the San Jose stop yesterday. The bus is now in San Francisco and we will have photos and videos in the next day or so. If you are in San Fran and want to get out to the bus for some free advice, be sure to go to the tour schedule by clicking HERE!

Tour Kicks Off San Fran Bay Events with Stop in San Jose!

NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisors arrived early yesterday morning to kick-off a great day at a free advice event in San Jose, CA. More photos to come shortly. The bus is in San Francisco today so be sure to stop by the event!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Tip By YNAB: Budget for a Great Life

For those who don’t know, knowing your properly budgeted is a great feeling. For those who once lost control with their funds, knowing exactly what your money is doing at all times is financial bliss. As you are seeking out information regarding financial literacy with Your Money Bus, I can tell you from my own experiences and those shared by others that becoming a “budgeter” will change your life.

I can tell you exactly how much I spent on groceries during any stretch of time you ask. Why is this helpful? It provides a strong sense of how your life plays out financially and gives you the ability to very specifically predict how much you will spend in the future. This feeling of preparation, of confidence helps to reduce and the daily stress and fear that can hamper our daily lives.

That’s right, budgeting brings not just your finances but your life into balance. Instead of arguing with your spouse about money, you can discuss your financial goals such as retirement, aspirations, education for your children and more. My wife loves that she or I can spend money without feeling guilty about it. We sit down at the beginning of each month and plan where to spend our money. We’re a team.

Finding a budget can help you reach your financial goals, eliminate guilt about spending money, improve the communication with your spouse and help bring your life into focus. Now who wouldn’t want that? It’s quite amazing how much money can dominate and control our lives. Don’t let it. Educate yourself as much as possible when it comes to finance. The knowledge you acquire, along with the right tools, will help improve your life. Not just your bank account, your life.

Jesse Mecham

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

Almost To San Francisco!

Hi Everyone! The Your Money Bus tour is quickly approaching our next stop in beautiful San Francisco! The bus stop will take place on March 24-25, 2009 in San Francisco and San Jose. Be sure to check out the schedule of events by clicking HERE.