Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cold Day In Providence, But The Your Money Bus Stop Was A Success!

Here are some pictures from a very cold day in Providence! Also, be sure to check out the Providence Journal's coverage of the event by clicking HERE. You can also see what the local ABC affiliate had to say about the tour stop by clicking HERE.

From The Your Money Bus Stop in Providence, RI!

NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor Angela Thomson was gracious enough to represent the NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation at the bus stop in Providence, RI. The setting of the stop was top notch as the bus was located outside of Burnside Park next to Kennedy Plaza. Besides having the chance to help local residents, Angela was also featured with the bus my local media.

Here are some of Angela's thoughts on the tour stop:

I was at the Providence location and it was cold and drizzling. When I sat down to write it was mid-morning and we had a steady but light turn out. Many of the attendees had diversified concerned regarding budgeting, where they should put their money given the economic conditions, job loss, educational funding and credit card management.

They were all appreciative of the handouts and interested in Kiplinger’s magazine.

We had some great TV coverage from ABC – 6. They said the spot would air at noontime so, hopefully we will get a large turnout after that.

I think this is such a worthy project, I just wish it were warmer. New England weather is so unpredictable!


Angela Thomson

Photos From The Hartford Stop!

Our dynamic volunteers in Hartford spent the day meeting with folks about saving, debt and investing. The following are a selection of photos from the stop!

Some Thoughts From Hartford on October 17th

The following thoughts are being shared by a couple of NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisors from their stop in Hartford, CT:

Hi! I'm Jack, a financial planner on the Your Money Bus tour in Hartford, CT. We are spending the day meeting folks and answering their financial questions. I thought it would be fun and it has exceeded expectations.

Our venue for the morning and lunch hour is Hartford Public Library. Neat space to talk to folks. We are in a big glass atrium room. Privacy and beauty together. So great to have this venue!

All of us need to get real about saving money to meet our goals. We need to get used to fending for ourselves and also helping others when we can.

Thanks for listening!


Hello from Hartford, CT

My name is Tom Arconti, I’m a financial advisor from Danbury, CT and a relatively new member of NAPFA. I’m delighted to be here in Hartford with the Your Money Bus Tour and to have the opportunity to talk with local residents about their most pressing financial concerns. In these uncertain economic times, it’s more important than ever for individuals and families to fully understand their financial situation and to get meaningful answers to their questions. I’m glad to contribute to this nationwide effort in a small way.

Best Wishes,

Tom Arconti

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Your Money Bus on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric!

If you did not see it last night the Your Money Bus Tour was on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric as part of a feature on the possibility of another economic stimulus package. If you did not see it, just click HERE or copy and paste the following link into your browser -

Watch CBS Videos Online

Better Late Than Never! A Late Entry From NYC.

NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor Maureen Whelan shares some of her experiences from the road during the bus stop in NYC:

I spoke with Maria who was concerned about protecting her partner and other family members who depend on her income. She was wondering if she should purchase life insurance. Maria is a good example of someone who needs life insurance since she has 3 people who rely on her to provide for them. As she was in her mid 40’s and in good health, I told her it was likely that she could purchase a relatively inexpensive 20 to 30 year level term policy.

I met with another woman who recently turned 70 and was wondering what she should do with her 403(b) and an IRA account. She had left her 403(b) with her employer and was wondering if she should or could transfer the money some where else. I told her that she had the option of moving the money to a brokerage or bank account. A broker or bank acts as the “bookkeeper” for her accounts. The might give her more investment options than her employer’s bookkeeper. I stressed that it was important that she do a rollover transaction so that she would not be taxed on the funds when they came out of her account. She was aware that she would need to start taking money out of the 403(b) due to her age and she was wondering how to do that. I told her that most brokers or banks will be able to calculate the amount that she would need to withdraw. It was a great conversation since she had money saved, had a good pension and was interested in starting to invest to provide an inheritance for her children and grandchildren.